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Gray is a brand where my friend and I had created to sell alcohol sprays. We came up with this idea in December of 2021, and had started to work on it after a few days. I started to find many alcohol spray companies, and sent them the design my friend and I had created. We found several factories, so we decided to ask them to send us samples of the alcohol they have, so we could decide which scent we liked most. Once we did, we asked them to create it how we wanted it, and we received 100 alcohol sprays from the factory. We then created an instagram page for it, which got us to sell more than 30 pieces. We are still working on it, to getting more followers. I learned that starting a business online is complicated. One problem we have is that we are unable to reach a huge amount of audience online. This is because our marketing strategies  We need to improve and think ways we would market to help our product reach a wider group of audience. 

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