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Learning Spanish & French 

I am a thai-indian living in Bangkok, I grew up speaking mostly English, Thai, and a little bit of Hindi. I am most fluent in speaking English, it is my first language. However, ever since I've gotten to high school, my desire to travel to new places have grown. Even though English is a common language, I still worry it would be rude to go to a country and expect people there to understand just English. This is why I've been motivated to learn both Spanish and French. I have been taking a Spanish course at school since grade 11 till now. It was a struggle at first, although hearing my Spanish teacher speak the language in every class and watching Spanish tv shows have made it easier for me to comprehend the language. As for French, I was interested in learning the language during my summer break. Even though the pronunciations are quite difficult for me, I still try to practice and learn it using Duolingo.

Hola, mi nombre es Arisa y tengo diecisiete años. Soy estudiante de Wells International School, estos son mis últimos meses aquí antes de graduarme. Mis actividades favoritas son explorar, comer, crear y aprender. Espero mejorar mis habilidades de hablar, leer y escribir español para poder comunicarme con muchas personas cuando viajo.

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